Google Play Error [RPC:S-3:AEC-0] how to solve it, guide and Fix

Google Play Error [RPC:S-3:AEC-0] how to solve it, guide and FixYour Android device reports this error?

Update for <app name> could not be downloaded due to an error. (Error retrieving information from the server. [RPC:S-3:AEC-0]) 

Let's see how to solve it in our guide to fix.

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Not fear, the problem is not your smartphone or tablet, but is caused by three app (Donwload Management, Google Play Service and Google Service Framework) that are jammed. Now let's see how to proceed to solve it.

CHow to fix the error [RPC:S-3:AEC-0]

Access the Settings menu of your Android device and scroll to find App.

Settings> App

Google Play Error [RPC:S-3:AEC-0] how to solve it, guide and Fix

Scroll horizontally to under All

Google Play Error [RPC:S-3:AEC-0] how to solve it, guide and Fix

Scroll until you find the Download Manager and click Clear Cache and then Clear Data.

Google Play Error [RPC:S-3:AEC-0] how to solve it, guide and Fix

After back to the App > All, and scroll down to find Google Play Service. Again access them and click Clear Data, and then click Clear Cash. If your device has Android KitKat or later you will not find directly pulstante Delete Data, but you'll have to click on Manage Space, scroll to the bottom and Clear all data.

Google Play Error [RPC:S-3:AEC-0] how to solve it, guide and Fix

Come back again back to the App > All and scroll until you find the Google Service Framework, now click on Clear Data and then click Clear Cache.

Google Play Error [RPC:S-3:AEC-0] how to solve it, guide and Fix

Now reboot your smartphone/tablet Android and the problem will be solved.

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