Google Play Store - No connection retry - how to solve it. guide and fixIt may happen that Google Play Store monsters suddenly the message "No connection, Retry" or "Check your connection and try again". The problem occurs even when your smartphone/tablet Android is connected to the Internet via WiFi, 3G or LTE.

It is avexing problem, and that does not resolve on its own, but you can fix with a few steps.

Let's find out how to fix it.

Android-Fix-06Since they are designed to live in harmony, it may seem strange to talk about removing a Google account from an Android device, but the truth is that in some cases it may be necessary, especially if your Android device is showing some error while trying to download  or upgrade an 'app.

Another reason may be the desire to give your smartphone or tablet to another user without bring it back to the factory settings.

Let's see how to remove a Google Account from your Android smartphone or tablet.

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